Have you ever noticed that Little Yellow Tree?

Let me explain:

I’m from Miami, Florida. Which ultimately means (besides a ton of other things) that I don’t get to experience the change of seasons. It’s pretty much always…summer. I see friends from all over the world post adorable season-inspired pictures—you know, in snow bunny apparel with a beautiful bed of white in the background. I usually know the season is changing, not because I experience it, but because I live vicariously through my friends (thanks to social media).

Now, let me be honest, I don’t know how thrilled I would be spending six months of the year shoveling through snow. I do enjoy my one season a year…especially when people are in the midst of a full-blown Snowpocalypse while I’m digging my toes in the sand with my favorite island tune blaring and the sun burning on my skin (sorry, Northern friends).

Being that I live in a place where I don’t get to appreciate the seasons, I completely forget what nature is up to. The first sign of color peaking through the snow is one of excitement for those people who experience treacherous months of gloominess and clouds.

My Instagram feed flooded with beautiful pictures of color at the first sign of spring with the promising announcement: “It’s Spring!” I totally get it, even though for me it’s nothing exciting here in sunny MIA…it’s pretty much always spring, so I didn’t really notice…

…until I ran into this little yellow beauty.


Since there’s always a ton of green here in Florida, my eyes are accustomed to the color. It wasn’t until the other day at the park when I saw yellow—that my attention was grabbed like it would be at the sight of a shooting star illuminating the sky.

“Wow, it’s actually…spring,” I gasped.

Truthfully, spring has been unfolding around me, but I hadn’t taken the moment to notice…until that Little Yellow Tree decided to surprise me.

I had let the world around me become monotonous…taking for granted the beauty around me. Thankfully, the Little Yellow Tree reminded me that life was happening.


Is life unraveling around you? Are seasons changing or things transforming? Are you too busy, too desensitized to notice?

I invite you today to take a moment and find that Little Yellow Tree in your life.

Life is happening around us. We just have to take the time to notice it, friends.